In today's challenging and constantly changing world, we have one certainty, i.e. that the way we were successful in the past is often not the way to remain successful in the future. Changes in the strategy and context of the organization require leadership that can meet the new challenges and continue to improve and develop.
Capita Selecta's Leadership Advisory contributes to the (future) success and a distinctive market position of its clients. Our expertise strengthens the current and future success of senior managers, board members and members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board.
Modular structured overall approach
Capita Selecta's Leadership Advisory is based on six coherent and modular structured foundations. In chronological order, these building blocks form a complete service.
They connect the level of the individual, the team and the organization.
Within Leadership Advisory, Capita Selecta offers the following services:
Future Leadership Design
Successful organizations do not build exclusively on insights and results from the past. They reconsider their strategy on a regular basis. The leadership of the organization is the linchpin in the transformation process. The question of many organizations is what qualities leadership needs to effectively tackle current, but especially future, challenges. This requires an objective and efficient process to ensure future-proof leadership.
Capita Selecta is a strategic sparring partner in developing future proof leadership profiles ('Leadership DNA Blueprint') and setting up an objective and efficient process for succession planning.
Leadership Assessment
Identifying, developing and retaining leaders who can make a difference requires a clear view of the qualities and potential of the (future) leaders in the organization.
Capita Selecta's leadership assessment consists of an in-depth and objective assessment of the leadership qualities in the organization. We provide insight into the power of leadership on an individual, team and organizational level, both now and in the future. You can expect a clear analysis from us about the possible gaps in your organization's leadership and about the potential of the leaders to grow and change. We advise you on how leadership can be strengthened.
Leadership Acceleration
Actual transition to a leadership that is ready for the future requires leaders who continuously reflect, grow and want to get the best out of themselves and others.
Capita Selecta provides individual coaching for executives who want to develop further based on their strength, drive and ambition. We offer tailor-made programs for leadership teams to reinforce the strength, impact and mutual cooperation.